

Hello friends of the Novella River Park! We decided to create a different article than usual. Perhaps many of you will stop at the title thinking it is a trivial topic but we will amaze you because we are sure that few know this information about kayaking. So, get comfortable, grab your reading glasses, and let’s get started.

What is Kayaking?

Kayaking is a rowing boat with at least 4000 years of history on its shoulders. Its origins date back to the Inuit of the subarctic and Arctic coasts of North America.

Its structure has not always been as we know it, in the past it was made of wood, covered with seal skin and a paddle equipped with a double blade was used to guide it.

It was the means by which the Eskimos moved – think of going to visit your friend in a kayak… Strong right? ☺ – or, they went hunting and fishing. The kayak was great for moving quickly and not being heard by the animals. In addition, it was much loved by the Eskimos for its structure: in the event of capsizing, this light boat allowed a rapid recovery of the original position.

Arrival in Europe

Kayaking arrived in Europe towards the end of the 1800s thanks to a lawyer of Scottish origins, John MacGregor. After participating in an Arctic expedition, he was so fascinated by these small boats that he decided to create a model similar to that of the Eskimos, baptized with the name of Rob Roy.

Thanks to John MacGregor, the first kayaking club in London was formed on July 25, 1866, “The Royal Canoe Club of London”.

The Rob Roy prototype was presented to the world for the first time during the universal exhibition in Paris and, for the occasion, John MacGregor was commissioned by Napoleon III to organize a regatta on the Seine River.

Kayaking nowadays

Over the years, wood and seal skin have been replaced by modern material: plastic and polyethylene, which give the boat better characteristics in terms of longevity and practicality.

The kayak is only conducted in a sitting position and with the aid of a paddle. The paddle is equipped with a central handle and a pair of blades placed at the end. The direction of travel is frontal and this activity can be carried out in pairs or alone.

Kayaking in the Novella River Park

In the Novella River Park, kayaking is the essential means of accessing the gorges, located in the northern part of Lake Santa Giustina. Thanks to this boat, you will be able to move easily even in the tightest places and you will be able to admire the canyon in all its splendor from a different perspective.

Let us know if we surprised you with this story or if you already knew everything ☺. We are waiting for you to try the kayaking experience and if you want to be always updated follow us on Instagram and Facebook